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Lessons for Sales Enablement From “The Matrix”
In that 1990s sci-fi favorite, The Matrix, Neo trains extensively in a variety of martial arts, weaponry and more to save what is left of...

Sales Training Might Be Missing a Crucial Piece
“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.” This expression of frustration was supposedly...

SES 2017: Hot Themes and Topics
Interest in Sales Enablement is growing exponentially if attendance at the Sales Enablement Soiree in San Francisco this past week is any...

Buttoning Down Final Quarter Account Management
The cool autumn days have arrived in many parts of the northern hemisphere. Conversations with sales executives inevitably surface the...

Enabling Sales Talent: Growing the 'A' Team
“Your goal shouldn't be to buy players. Your goal should be to buy wins.” – from ‘Moneyball’, 2012 It isn’t a coincidence that the teams...

Getting More with Less
Sales Operations executives are being asked to do more with fewer resources. The authors suggest a systematic approach to identifying, sizin

Targeting Account Management Sales Performance
Executives are concerned that their strategic account management teams aren't up to the task of maximizing revenues. This is a way to ge
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