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Lessons for Sales Enablement From “The Matrix”
In that 1990s sci-fi favorite, The Matrix, Neo trains extensively in a variety of martial arts, weaponry and more to save what is left of...
Sales Training Might Be Missing a Crucial Piece
“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.” This expression of frustration was supposedly...
SES 2017: Hot Themes and Topics
Interest in Sales Enablement is growing exponentially if attendance at the Sales Enablement Soiree in San Francisco this past week is any...
Enabling Sales Talent: Growing the 'A' Team
“Your goal shouldn't be to buy players. Your goal should be to buy wins.” – from ‘Moneyball’, 2012 It isn’t a coincidence that the teams...
Getting More with Less
Sales Operations executives are being asked to do more with fewer resources. The authors suggest a systematic approach to identifying, sizin
Targeting Account Management Sales Performance
Executives are concerned that their strategic account management teams aren't up to the task of maximizing revenues. This is a way to ge
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